A quick story about marshmallows.
Back in the 1960’s, Professor Walter Mischel, started an experiment which would lead to one of the biggest insights into the character of successful people. In the experiment young children were sat down in a room with nothing in it but a table, chair and a plate with a marshmallow. The child was then offered a deal: if they didn’t eat the marshmallow, then they would be given an additional marshmallow as a treat. The proposition was simple: eat one treat now or wait and eat two treats later.
The researcher left the room for 15 minutes.
In what must have seemed like an entirety, the children all reacted in different ways. Some resisted for a few minutes, before giving in. Others didn’t even attempt to hold themselves and eat the marshmallow straight away. However, a handful of children stayed strong and were able to hold out for the 15 minutes to be rewarded with the additional marshmallow.
Here’s where things get interesting.
Over the next 40 years, they did follow up research with all the children. They found that the children now turned adults who were able to wait for the second marshmallow were generally more successful. They had higher grades at school, less likely to suffer from addictions, they were in better health and they scored highly on a range of other metrics. They found that most of these people were more successful at whatever tasks they set out for themselves.

I said all that to say this: Stay Strong.
I know first hand, turning your dreams into reality is one of the hardest things you can ever do. In fact, I’m reminded of this on a daily basis as I’m working towards taking Dream Nation to the next level. So whatever you’re working on right now, be patient. Even if anyone else around you have given up, or they don’t understand why you’re doing what you’re doing it’s okay.As long as your part of our community here at Dream Nation then you’re not alone.We all understand, and we are all behind you and when you succeed we are going to be right here to celebrate with you.
No matter what has already happened this year, just stay focused. It’s a brand new month, a brand new quarter and it’s a new opportunity to get it right.