A younger friend of mine was recently referred to a potential new mentor. However, the new mentor is charging her £500 to be a part of his programme. He has a lot of industry acclaim but her main concern isn’t the money, but rather that he doesn’t seem to care about her personally or even remember basic details about her business. Should she go ahead or not?

My Response
The best advice I can give you with go with your gut. Everything single time I go against my instincts based on other people’s advice it has never worked out well for me. Plus when it is all said and done, I’m the one who had to deal with the consequences.
Consider this: if you go with him you will probably always feel like he only cares about money so therefore you won’t get the most out of it, even if he gave you the worlds best advice.
Don’t at all get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with paying for good advice (although I tend to think of this more as consulting or coaching personally), however, it has to be something you really want to do. It’s clear you are happy to make the investment in learning, so then I would say this is really about you making the right investment. Find a coach, consultant, mentor or programme you really believe in and you are excited about.

Just quick thought experiment
Let’s say you are going to buy a car, and you have a £1,000 budget. Although you have the money ready to go, you still want to make sure you get the best your money can get you. What might be best for you, might not be the best for someone else. For example, you might for some crazy reason really love KA’s, but for me, I’d rather just burn the money if that was the only car option I was given. The reality is, there are so many cars available within the same price budget based on the different needs of different people.
So this is the same for mentors, be willing to spend the money ONLY if you find the right person for you. And if that is the case, I would say get someone who will act more like a coach (accountability) or someone with really great info/advice with bonus points if they happen to have a skill you need (like a consultant). There are plenty of people who can add value to you and your business in different ways, unfortunately, the hard part is finding them.
I hope that helps. As always feel free to get in contact if you have any other questions.