“I have recently started writing a blog and was hoping for some marketing advice. I’m trying to get it out to the widest audience, including people who aren’t my friends so I was wondering if you could offer advice as I feel like you are very good at promotion. I’m just not sure if what I’m currently doing is effective and I’m unsure if it comes across as annoying or intrusive.”
– ‘Mr Looking For a Bigger Audience’

It’s totally okay that you don’t know much about marketing, however, that is the first thing you need to change. Before I dive in, I want to say this: as a Practical Dreamer I want you to develop the habit of learning to teach yourself totally new skill sets to help advance your career. In many cases, this might be easier than it sounds because nowadays there are tonnes of resources freely available. All you need is to make time for it and put in the work.
I’m sure there are probably so many marketing focused Youtube channels but the only one I watch regularly is Ask Gary Vee. If you are serious watch EVERY one of the Ask Gary Vee episodes from number 1 until today. You don’t need to watch daily Vee, but as a whole everything on his channel is useful.
Also while you are there, it’s worth watching the TED Talk video which kinda changed the game for me back when I was still a teen: Seth Godin’s – Purple Cow video.
While you are working your ways through Gary’s Youtube you can start reading these books. I’ve put them in order(ish) of importance for your objectives but read them all and of course feel free to read them in the order that you thinks makes the most sense to you. Ps. many of the links below are affiliate links, which means that if you decided to purchase a book after clicking on my link, I’ll let a commision from Amazon at no additional cost to you. Thanks in advance 😉
[easyazon_link identifier=”B00M0D9H04″ locale=”UK” tag=”thecosblo-21″]The 22 Immutable laws of marketing[/easyazon_link], Al Ries and Jack Trout – does what it says on the tin really. The examples will be a bit outdated however the principles taught are timeless.
[easyazon_link identifier=”B0090RVGW0″ locale=”UK” tag=”thecosblo-21″]On writing well[/easyazon_link], William Zinsser – this is the best book I’ve read on how to become a good writer. This might seem really simple, but as most of our communication takes place in the written form it is very worthwhile investing in learning how to become a good writer… especially if you are going to create a blog. This book is a must-read.
[easyazon_link identifier=”006227306X” locale=”UK” tag=”thecosblo-21″]Jab Jab Jab Right Hook[/easyazon_link], Gary Vaynerchuk – This is so helpful for learning how to operate on the different social media platforms. Buy this one first and use it as a textbook to refer back to when you’re feeling stuck on a social platform.
[easyazon_link identifier=”0071836322″ locale=”UK” tag=”thecosblo-21″]Likeable social media[/easyazon_link], Dave Kerpen – will teach you some rules on how to handle your social media presence and avoid “being annoying”.
[easyazon_link identifier=”1471111709″ locale=”UK” tag=”thecosblo-21″]Contagious[/easyazon_link], Jonah Berger – this will teach you the foundation of how to make things go viral. It won’t mean that everything you do will go viral, but if you apply the lessons you will give your work and ideas a chance
[easyazon_link identifier=”B0031RS2XG” locale=”UK” tag=”thecosblo-21″]Made to Stick[/easyazon_link], Chip Heath and Dan Heath – this will teach you how to craft an idea and a brand which stays in people’s heads
[easyazon_link identifier=”0091906814″ locale=”UK” tag=”thecosblo-21″]How to win friends and influence people[/easyazon_link] by Dale Carnegie – This will teach you how to sell your brand and idea in person which can be far more valuable than what you see happening online. You’ll be surprised how much success in this world will be down simply to the fact people like you.
[easyazon_link identifier=”0241958229″ locale=”UK” tag=”thecosblo-21″]Start With Why[/easyazon_link], Simon Sinek – This is a deeper more philosophical book but a great place to start. It will help you understand why you do what you, which if you understand for yourself will make everything you far more compelling. However, you can cheat with this one and get most of the ideas from the book why watching the author’s Ted Talk: Simon Sinek, something like how leaders inspire others into action.
[easyazon_link identifier=”0241184835″ locale=”UK” tag=”thecosblo-21″]Hooked[/easyazon_link], Nir Eyal – If you are creative enough you can use the lessons in this book to work out how to get people to come back to your blog. Repeat readers are as if not more valuable than new readers as they will be the foundation of your future “fan base”.
[easyazon_link identifier=”0785288392″ locale=”UK” tag=”thecosblo-21″]Becoming a Person of Influence[/easyazon_link], John C. Maxwell – largely about leadership but you’ll understand soon that what you are doing through building a successful blog/platform is actually leading people. The truth is that’s what most people are really looking for, a leader with a vision they can get behind.
[easyazon_link identifier=”B00AO3K05S” locale=”UK” tag=”thecosblo-21″]To Sell is Human[/easyazon_link], Daniel H. Pink – this book will help to change the way you view selling. And you’ll realise that everything you do at every moment is in fact selling, and once you become a great at selling the world is yours.
[easyazon_link identifier=”0061714704″ locale=”UK” tag=”thecosblo-21″]Fascinate[/easyazon_link], Sally Hogshead – this will teach you some interesting lessons about how to craft a brand.
[easyazon_link identifier=”1591848342″ locale=”UK” tag=”thecosblo-21″]Empire State of Mind[/easyazon_link], Zack O’Malley Greenburg – This is a book about Jay-Z and it will teach you how to leverage a brand to do a lot of other things (mostly making money) once you eventually have one.
[easyazon_link identifier=”0749939753″ locale=”UK” tag=”thecosblo-21″]Tribes[/easyazon_link], Seth Godin – this will teach you about building a community, which most successful person/business has. You’ll also realise in the future that having a community will be one your biggest competitive advantages. If you want an example of this, just pay attention to Beyonce’s Bee Hive, spreading the message of Beyonce every day to anyone who will listen… trust me, not all artist can drop an album without any warning and still be selling her kind of numbers.
If you struggle reading books, I would highly recommend checking out audiobooks. Amazon also sells [easyazon_link identifier=”B00OPA2XFG” locale=”UK” tag=”thecosblo-21″]memberships to audible[/easyazon_link] which I have been using for years to help me learn more from books. You can try it out for free and see if it works for you or not.

Subscribe to all of these, and listen as often as you can. Also, go through old eps and listen to ones which titles catch your attention. The key here isn’t for you remember every detail or even do everything they say but for you to learn about marketing and get so comfortable with the field that you can work out what to do for yourself. Trust me, even if you think are distracted while listening something is going in and your confidence is building.
Once again, I’ve put these in order for your objectives.
Social Media Marketing, Michael Stelzner – This should become your breakfast until you “get it”. If you are questioning what I mean by “get it”, then you’re not ready yet!
Online Marketing Made Easy, Amy Porterfield – Once again does what it says on the tin.
Eventual Millionaire, Jaime Tardy – Not fully on topic, but often they have great marketing lessons with outstanding strategies and tactics. However, as the titles gives away you probably should be listening to this anyway.
I Love Marketing – What more needs to be said with a title like this?
The Fizzle Show – this is mostly a small business podcast, however as marketing is such a key component of running a business they often have great lessons on the topic, so start by looking for eps on marketing. With that said, you’ll soon find that having a successful blog will look a lot more running a small business, so all the advice they share in this will be valuable to you. Also, look past their very playful nature if you don’t find it endearing at first, the content they share is rock solid.
Smart Passive Income, Pat Flynn – this is podcast was a strong foundation for me. Go through and listen to eps focused on marketing, but also I would personally consider going to ep 1 and listen from there. It will teach you how you can use your blog to make an income as well.
On Brand – As you may have gathered by now, but I’m a big believer that your brand plays an important part in the success of your marketing. So this will help with that.

The main thing, however, is while you are learning, make sure you are also doing. You’ll notice that my personal style of marketing is actually not in your face but more focused on creating intrigue and having people come to me. I can do that because I’ve invested so much in building a brand for both myself and Dream Nation.
With that said, if I was more in your face, Dream Nation and I would probably be bigger than we are today. If you do want to go down the “louder” road (which is more than completely valid, just wasn’t my style) read the 10x Rule by Grant Cardone. I’m actually going to be leaning more into this way of marketing myself in the future.
The other thing I would say is always focus on delivering value in the way your customers/readers actually want it.
You got this, and I hope this help. Feel free to drop me a message if you have a question.